Course Syllabus






SCI C101 ID8W2, Our Environment the Earth

Spring 2017




Please read the following course syllabus carefully, especially the course dates, times and location. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to communicate with the IDEAL Program office, your academic advisor, or the instructor.


The IDEAL degree-completion program is designed with the adult learner in mind. Adult learners approach learning with specific goals, want to be able to directly apply new learning to their work and personal lives, and tend to learn best when the coursework is problem-centered so that they are actively engaged in the learning process. In addition, adults bring rich and varied experience to the classroom, which becomes a valuable learning resource for other students.


The IDEAL Program assumes joint responsibility in the learning process. The activities and assignments in the courses build on the shared experience of all learners in each class. This is why each student’s preparation, participation and interaction in class activities and discussions are critical to the success of each course. The accelerated format of each course requires a significant amount your time outside the classroom to prepare for and complete the course assignments. This varies between students and courses; however, students typically spend nine-twelve hours per week on course material.


To participate in the IDEAL Program, it is expected that you will do the following:

  1. Attend every class session. Be on time.
  2. Obtain the required course materials prior to the first class session.
  3. Complete the first assignment prior to the first class session and all subsequent assignments to the best of your ability.
  4. Participate in the class discussions and demonstrate respect and consideration to the instructor and other students when they express themselves in discussion.


If you cannot perform these four expectations, it is recommended that you drop the course. We look forward to your academic success in each course and the ultimate completion of your degree.





Course No. & Title:    SCI C101 ID8W2, Our Environment, the Earth

Semester and Term:     Spring 2017

Day and Dates:   Wednesdays  March 8, 17 - April 26, 17

Time:  6 pm – 9 pm

Campus Location:     Bridgeport – (MAN 222)



Course Description:

The scientific examination of our planet focusing on the interaction of astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and physics, in the formation, evolution, and dynamics of the Earth.

Prerequisite Courses: None

Course Code: LA, NS



Instructor & contact information:  Joan van Geldern




Required Textbook

Text: "Understanding Earth,” 7th Edition, Grotzinger and Jordan

ISBN 9781464138744


Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

  • Understand the principles and theories on which the science of geology

is based.

  • Understand how Earth’s continents, ocean basins, and atmosphere formed.
  • Understand some of the major geological processes which operate both at and below the surface of the Earth including such processes as plate tectonics, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanism.
  • Identify Earth’s most common minerals and rocks.
  • Understand the various systems that drive our atmospheric processes and generate our climate.
  • Understand the processes that have resulted in the formations of our ocean basins and shoreline.


This course provides a scientific examination of our planet focusing on the interaction of astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and physics, in the formation, development, and dynamics of the Earth.


The Canvas online learning management system is fully integrated into the course. Students are expected to utilize Canvas extensively throughout this course.


Course Code: LA, NS


Instructor Contact Information


Joan van Geldern

Contact email:


Materials required for purchase prior to the start of class


  • Text: "Understanding Earth,” 7th Edition, Grotzinger and Jordan

ISBN 9781464138744

To order textbooks, go to the bookstore website at Select IDEAL Campus and login to the bookstore. Select the course and follow the instructions.


Important course guidelines


Important course guidelines

Each week students will participate in a discussion, complete a written assignment and take a quiz outside of class each of which is due the following Wednesday.

Quizzes, Discussions and Written assignments earn reduced credit (minus 20%) if they are late for any reason.  Written assignments will receive the late grade if they are 1 -  7 days late.  Assignments that are more than 1 week late receive a zero.

Each quiz will have the option to take it twice during the week, and both attempts must be completed before the next class.

The Research essay and final exam cannot be submitted late. 

Late arrivals to class drop your grade by half a letter.

Missed classes drop your grade by a full letter.

Computer and cell phone use is not permitted during class (unless required for a game/activity).

Be sure to complete the Precourse Assignment prior to the first class.





PRECOURSE ASSIGNMENT:   This must be completed prior to the beginning of the first class.  The instructions for this assignment are as follows, and also will be made available to you through canvas at least 1 week prior to the beginning of class.

Prior to the first class, read Chapter 1 in "Understanding Earth,” 7th Edition, Grotzinger and Jordan and answer questions 1 – 9 on page 24 and choose one of the thought questions on page 25 to answer with a short reaction/response essay which is a writing assignment where you express your personal thoughts, interpretation, and evaluation of a particular topic.  It is not a research essay and investigation into other sources is not necessary. 

Questions you might ask yourself:

  • How do you feel about the topic? 
  • Do you agree with the author’s conclusion based on the presentation of facts?
  • Could there have been another interpretation?
  • How has this reading impacted your view of the topic? 
  • Did you realize something that was unknown to you before?
  • Did the reading simply reinforce ideas and beliefs you already had about the topic?
  • Did you in anyway identify with the topic?


The pre-course assignments must be submitted through Canvas prior to the first class.


  • Your written work should adhere to APA format standards.




Course Layout for Weekly Topics:


Module 1   First Week of the Course

Chapters 1 and 2  The Earth System and Plate Tectonics

Chapter 1

The Earth System

Knowledge Objectives

  • Understanding the meaninof the scientific method be able to use the scientific method to problem solve.
  • Understand the layered composition of the earth.
  • Understand the Earth as a system and a complex organization of various interrelated systems.

Other Skills/Applications/Attitudes

  • Be able to use Google Earth to find heights and depths of various topographic features.
  • Use the techniques that Eratosthenes used to determine the size of the Earth.

Chapter 2

Plate Tectonics, The Unifying Theory

Knowledge Objectives

  • Know the basic components of plate tectonics and its history of development.
  • Know the geologic characteristics of the different plate boundaries.
  • Understand how the age of the seafloor is estimated and measured.

Other Skills/Applications/Attitudes

  • Appreciate the historical development of a major scientific theory.
  • Describe how geologists reconstruct the assembly and breakup of continents.
  • Discuss and write about the working hypotheses for the driving mechanism of plate tectonics.


Module 2   Second Week of the Course

Chapter 12 Volcanoes 

Knowledge Objectives

  • Know what kinds of rock materials erupt from a volcano.
  • Know why volcanism occurs.
  • Know the three major lava types and how they relate to eruptive style and volcanic


  • Know the global pattern of volcanic activity, and how it relates to plate tectonics.
  • Know how geologists monitor and predict volcanic activity.

Other Skills/Applications/Attitudes

  • Given a field description of the landforms and volcanic deposits, interpret the styles of

past eruptions and the magma type(s).

  • Discuss important considerations for how risks from a hazardous volcano can be



Module 3   Third Week of the Course  

Chapter 13 Earthquakes

Knowledge Objectives

  • Know the factors that define an earthquake
  • Learn to recognize the three types of seismic waves and their basic characteristics.
  • Understand what is meant by earthquake magnitude and intensity
  • Know that most earthquakes are associated with tectonic plate boundaries.
  • Know that earthquake activity at each type of tectonic plate boundary has distinctive


  • Learn what governs the type of faulting that occurs in an earthquake.

Other Skills/Applications/Attitudes

  • Evaluate the geologic circumstances that contribute to the destructiveness of


  • Appreciate the importance of mitigating damage by earthquakes and understand

the steps that should be taken by threatened communities.

  • Given first motion data at different locations, determine the direction of movement

and type of fault associated with earthquake activity.


Module 4   Fourth Week of the Course

Chapter 3

Earth Materials Minerals and rocks

Knowledge Objectives

  • Know what defines a mineral.
  • Know the building blocks of matter and how they chemically bond.
  • Know how atoms combine to form the crystal structures of minerals.
  • Know some basic atomic structures for common rock-forming minerals.
  • Know the major rock-forming minerals and their physical properties.
  • Know that rocks are classified based on their mineral content and texture.
  • Know the three major types of rocks and how they are formed.
  • Understand how the rock cycle is linked to plate tectonics.

Other Skills/Applications/Attitudes

  • Explain how the physical properties of minerals are linked to a mineral’s

atomic (crystal) structure and chemical bonds.

  • Identify common rock-forming minerals based on field and hand-specimen


  • Use the rock cycle to describe relationships between different rock types.


Module 5… Fifth Week of the Course

Chapter 15  The Climate system

Knowledge Objectives

  • Know that the primary source of water and gases on the Earth surface is volcanic

gases, which outgases from the planet’s interior over geologic time.

  • Know that oxygen gas was and continues to be added to Earth’s atmosphere

and oceans by photosynthetic organisms.

  • Know when life appeared on Earth and how life evolved over geologic time.
  • Understand how carbon dioxide and other trace atmospheric gases are transparent

to sunlight, but absorb heat (IR radiation) which warms Earth’s surface

environments, as in a greenhouse.

  • Know how cycles trace the flux of Earth’s elements like carbon from one

reservoir to another.

Other Skills/Applications/Attitudes

  • Understand how human activities (pollution/CFCs/acid rain) and natural

events (bolide impact) can significantly alter geochemical cycles and therefore

impact Earth’s environmental conditions.

  • Appreciate and describe how life processes are an integral part of many of

Earth’s geochemical cycles.

  • Understand and appreciate the significance of linkages between the carbon

cycle, life processes, and climate change.

  • Gain an understanding of the processes involved that enabled Hurricanes Irene and Sandy to unleash some of their fury on our shores.


Module 6   Sixth Week of the Course

Chapters 20

Coastlines and Ocean Basins


  • Can enumerate specific ways in how the geology of the oceans differs from that

of the continents.

  • Know how waves are created by the transfer of energy from wind to water.
  • Understand how waves and tides shape the shoreline.
  • Know the major components of the continental margins and adjacent ocean floor.
  • Know what causes ocean tides.
  • Know what produces a storm surge.
  • Know how beaches form and can change due to natural factors and human


  • Understand how changes in sea level affect a coastline.
  • Understand how the deep seafloor is formed.
  • Understand turbidity currents and how they transport fine sediments off the continental

shelf and onto the adjacent abyssal ocean floor.

  • Know the carbonate compensation depth (CCD), and how it figures in the carbon

cycle on Earth.

  • Know which types of sediments are deposited on the deep ocean floor.


  • Given appropriate figures and maps and a list of locations (Hint: See Exercise 2

in the Student Study Guide, available in the Understanding Earth e-Book), identify

each location as to whether it is an active or passive margin.

  • Can explain how waves can advance even though the water molecules do not.
  • Given unlabeled versions of Figure 20.3b, can correctly identify which represents

a neap tide and which represents a spring tide.

  • Can explain wave refraction using simple sketches.
  • Can explain the formation of a hurricane.
  • Can explain how a sand beach is in dynamic balance determined by sediment

input, output, and longshore currents. For example, describe the impact of the

construction of a groin.

  • Can explain how a turbidity current works.
  • Can explain the mechanisms that produce sediment in the ocean and why these

processes are limited by ocean depth.

  • Appreciates the ocean as a vital geobiological system.
  • Appreciate the uniqueness of Long Island Sound.




Module 7 … Seventh Week of the Course

Formal Research Paper is due.  Each student will present their report and slide show to the class.




Module 8…Last Week of the Course

Final Written Exam


Grading Weights  



Final Exam


Written Assignments, Labs, Classwork


Science Research, Scientific Investigation, Paper and Presentation


Written Discussions


Weekly Quizzes



Letter Grading Scale used for this course


% of Points Earned

Letter Grade


% of Points Earned

Letter Grade





























Below 60





Grading Rubrics




Weekly Assignments:


Each week during the course you will utilize Canvas to submit written assignments, quizzes and discussions. During the course you will perform an independent scientific research investigation,  and complete a science research paper. This project requires a formal written paper and also a  slide-show presentation that you will  present to the class during the 7th module. Use the grading rubrics provided in this syllabus to guide all of your work for this course. 


Read each assigned chapter so that you can participate fully during class. Evidence of your understanding is demonstrated through the quality of your discussions during class, your written responses to discussion questions posted in Canvas, and the scores you earn on weekly quizzes.




Discussion Postings

Postings will be evaluated for effort, thoroughness, understanding of the assignment, spelling and grammar, and timeliness of posting.  Late discussion postings will not be accepted.  Timely participation is essential.  Late posting are not permitted and you earn zero credit for this course. Please review the grading rubric below for how postings will be evaluated.






Contribution to the Classroom: Posting is insightful, thorough, and interesting.




Inspires Reply Postings from Other Students: A serious effort is made to frame the discussion posting in such a way as to encourage others to reply.  Posting generates questions and opens up new avenues for discussion.




Demonstrated Understanding of the Reading Assignment Posting demonstrates a thorough understanding of the reading assignment and is substantiated by several examples from the textbook and/or companion website.




Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, and Sentence Structure Posting is highly polished; no grammar or spelling errors.





Research / Thesis Essay

Description: A Research/Thesis Essay is a writing assignment where you may either:

  1. research a specific topic to gain better insight and then express your interpretations and evaluations, or,
  2. make a persuasive argument or take a stand on an issue and then provide evidence to prove the validity of your points.
  3. Make a 15-20 slide presentation with images on each page to aid in presenting your research to the class


It is important to make references to the facts presented in the materials even when expressing opinions.  You may use the course text in addition to other primary sources. (A primary source is a document or object that was created during the time under study.  For example, a book about the Declaration of Independence is a secondary source, while the actual Declaration of Independence is a primary source.) The intent of the paper is for you to do research and then convey it in a clear and meaningful way with interpretations and insights. 

For the slide presentation you can use Microsoft Powerpoint, Google Slides or Prezi.  Please use the content from your research, and just prepare the slides as a visual support for your presentation

Essay Format is required

  • APA Style [refer to:]
  • Length: 2,000-2,500 words, 4-7 Pages
  • Typed using 1” Margins; Double-spaced; 12 point font.
  • Include: Your Name; Course Name; Instructor’s Name; Title; and Date.
  • Footnotes: Required
  • Works Cited: Required
  • Use at least three (3) outside sources (books, articles, commentaries).\


Your Introductory Paragraph

Introduce your topic and clearly make a strong thesis statement, which is what you plan to prove or explain in your essay.

Organizing Your Ideas

  • Thesis statement forms the basis of the essay
  • Decide on a few key ideas that express your thesis statement
  • Each of these key ideas can become their own paragraphs
  • Develop your ideas in each paragraph by using examples, giving details, and using quotes
  • The use of the first person “I” is not appropriate for a research essay.


Body of your Essay:

  • Present your ideas in a logical way with references to texts.


Concluding Paragraph:

  • Reiteration of your thesis statement and summary of your arguments or points.








Introduction: An engaging introduction, states clearly the main topic and previews the structure of the essay.




Thesis Statement: Clearly and concisely states the essay’s purpose, which is engaging and thought-provoking.




Main Point / Body of the Essay: Well developed main points/topic sentences that relate directly to the thesis. Each paragraph has thoughtful supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea.




Organization: Logical and subtle sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs. Transitions are effective and enhance the organization of the essay.




Conclusion: The conclusion is engaging and restates the thesis.




Style: Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Diction is consistent and words are well chosen.




Grammar & Mechanics: Punctuation, capitalization, spelling, paragraphing, spacing, indentation, and margining are proper. The ideas have been properly cited with a variety of citation techniques (quotation/ summary/ paraphrase).




Citation: All cited works, both text and visual, are done in correct format with no errors.




Bibliography: Done in the correct format with no errors. Includes more than 3 major references (e.g. journal articles, books, but no more than two internet sites).




Slide Presentation: Slides were well laid out with supportive visuals and written content to make the presentation of the thesis clear, effective and understandable.




Delivery of Presentation: Presentation demonstrated mastery of the content, was within time limitation (8 minutes), and was communicated with sufficient volume and interest.











Attendance Policy

Classroom attendance is an integral part of the academic experience; therefore, students are expected to attend all class sessions.  If an absence is unavoidable, the student, prior to class, should communicate with the instructor.  Arrangements should be made at that time for submission of any missed assignments. It is also expected that students arrive on time and not leave until the class is dismissed. Tardiness will result in a reduced grade for the course. If you cannot attend every class session you should consider dropping the course.



  • Missing one class session will drop the final grade by one letter grade (for example if a student earns a grade of “B” in the course, the final grade would be a “C”).
  • Missing two or more class sessions will be cause for a failing grade.
  • Note: For 15-week courses; missing two class sessions will result in a letter grade drop and three or more will cause a failing grade.

Drop Procedures

To drop a course, you must complete and submit a Schedule Change Request Form. The form can be accessed at the IDEAL Course Schedule webpage:


Please print and complete the form and fax the form to the IDEAL Office: 203-576-4537. Prior to dropping a course, the student should contact their IDEAL Academic Advisor to understand the implications to financial aid and/or degree plan progress.


Please review the drop fees and tuition refunds at the Academic Calendar; accessed at the IDEAL Course Schedule webpage (same link above).


Cell Phones

Cell phones must be turned off (or placed on “vibrate”) while in the classroom. A cell phone call is disruptive and disrespectful to the other students in the class.


Academic Dishonesty

The IDEAL program prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty.  Academic dishonesty is normally defined as, but not limited to, the following two categories:


Cheating – Using inappropriate sources of information in an assignment or on a test.  The following are examples of cheating taken from real student experiences:


Case #1:  A student is enrolled in an introductory psychology course. He has co-workers who have taken the same course. As the end of the course approaches, he wonders how he will find the time to get the research paper finished, and asks one of his co-workers for help.  His co-worker hands him a research paper that he submitted in a similar course.  The student makes minor modifications to the paper, and submits it under his own name.


Case #2:  A student enrolled in a humanities course is unsure about how to structure an essay. She is doing research on the World Wide Web, and comes across an essay written by a student from another university.  Using her computer mouse, she copies and pastes the essay into her word processor.  She goes to great lengths to re-word the paper in her own style, but essentially leaves the content and organization the same.


Plagiarism – Intentional as well as unintentional failure to acknowledge sources as well as the use of commercially available so-called “research papers” without full recognition of the source. Presenting as one’s own, the ideas, words, or products of another.  The following are examples of plagiarism taken from real student experiences:


Case #3:  A student is conducting research for a Civil War research paper.  He has reviewed work on the Internet. Finding helpful information, he has summarized his findings without citing his sources. He believes that minor paraphrasing is all that is necessary.


Case #4:  A student is writing a paper that requires her to address specific topics and problems in the assigned course textbook.  She takes the information directly from the textbook with slight modification, without giving any citation. She thinks that since it is the course textbook, she doesn’t have to use quotations or citations.


Academic dishonesty applies to all courses, assignments or exams completed by students and submitted as their own original work, whether in person or by electronic means.  The University does not tolerate cheating in any form. It is a serious breach of conduct with serious consequences. Instructors have the right to determine the appropriate penalty for academic dishonesty in their own courses; generally, however, such acts will result in a failing grade for the assignment and/or the course. The penalty for subsequent acts of academic dishonesty may include expulsion.


More information on how to recognize plagiarism can be found at this site:


Ethics Statement of Confidentiality

An integral component of an IDEAL course is student and faculty expression of personal experiences for the purpose of facilitating coursework.  Students enrolled in the program are expected to honor confidentiality as it pertains to student disclosure.  Shared information, comments, or opinions expressed by another student or the faculty member during the course of classroom discussion should never be used in a manner which is intended to humiliate, embarrass, harass, damage, or otherwise injure other students in their personal, public, or business lives.  In addition, confidentiality must be upheld by not disclosing any information that would identify any particular individual.



The Academic Resource Center is available for IDEAL students seeking help in their studies. The Center is staffed by writing professionals and peer tutors. More information can be found at:  The Center is located on the 5th Floor of the Wahlstrom Library. Make an appointment or walk-in: Telephone: 203-576-4290. Online Tutoring is available at: To use this free service you must have a UBNet account.


Obtaining a UBNet Account

Every registered student should obtain a UBNet Account. The account allows you to access MyUB; the portal for grades, library services, Canvas online learning system. Also, the account allows you access to computers in the Library and computer labs, and provides an email account in which the University sends out information. Go to: - Click on “New UBNet Account” and follow the instructions.


The email address is the official email the University uses to send information to you. You can have your email forwarded to any other private email account you use. Following the activation of your UBNet account (takes 24 hours), login at: and click on “forwards” at the top of the page. Follow the directions to forward email messages to your other account.


Learning Management System (LMS) - Canvas

For all courses that use Canvas, you can access Canvas through the portal by using the myUB link.  Faculty post class documents on Canvas e.g. syllabus, power points, discussion questions, case studies, current event articles, papers, reports etc. (save some trees). All students have access, and can download and copy the documents. 

Canvas Tutorial For Students:

For assistance contact the UB Help Desk at 203-576-4606 or email



Accessing Your Grades & Schedule Online

The WebAdvisor online information system allows students to search for available classes, check grades, view semester class schedule and verify your personal profile. Grades are generally posted 2-3 weeks following the end of a course. To access WebAdvisor, login in to MyUB and follow the WebAdvisor menu on the right. If you are carrying a financial balance, access to WebAdvisor will be restricted.


Using the Library

Access to the Digital Library is through MyUB. On the MyUB home, in the central column, click on “myEureka Digital Library.” Research tools available:

  • Search for books held at the library.
  • Search the online databases for your academic field; business, counseling, human services, psychology, etc.
  • Send questions to the Reference Librarian for assistance in research topics and searching strategy.


Using Computers

Open access computer labs are available at three locations:


Course Cancellations

Any emergency necessitating the canceling of courses will be announced by the University through the Emergency Notification Telephone Line, (203) 576-4159. Please call this number for information on course cancellations. Also, information will be posted under “Latest News” on the UB home page, ( Canceled classes will be made up either the week following the end of the course or in consultation between the instructor and the students as to day and time availability. Course cancellations are also announced on television and radio stations.







Bridgeport Campus Security

(203) 576-4911


(203) 576-4692


(203) 576-4682

Financial Aid

(203) 576-4568


(203) 576-4635

Emergency Notification Phone

(203) 576-4159


IDEAL Office

(203) 576-4800










126 Park Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06604

(203) 576-4800


5 Riverbend Drive

Stamford, CT 06750

(203) 358-0700


84 Progress Lane

Waterbury, CT 06705

(203) 573-8501


Directions to IDEAL Campus locations



To fill out your financial aid report to the Federal Government, please go online to The school code for the University of Bridgeport is 001416.

Federal Student Aid Information: 1-800-433-3243



Course Summary:

Date Details Due