EDLD-619-WB6-School Law-2015SP

EDLD 619

School Law

Spring 2015


Professor: Attorney Frederick L. Dorsey

Location:                Waterbury Campus

Office Phone:        (860) 493-0870 (Assistant Brittany Munroe)

Mobile:                   (203) 671-9711

E-mail Address:    fdorsey@kemlaw.com

Class Hours:         Thursdays, 6:25 – 8:25 p.m.   (January 29; February 5, 12, 19 and 26; March 5, 12 (19th is Spring Break) and 26; and                                                                                      April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30)


This course is designed to prepare students to become administrative leaders in their schools.  It responds to the contemporary demands for accountability, attention to detail procedures and documentation, and practical knowledge of how state and federal statutes and regulations impact on school operations.



Interactive lectures/discussions, hypotheticals and cases studies based on actual fact patterns from Connecticut public schools and administrative and court cases.



To familiarize upcoming administrators with the laws and practices that will impact their professionals lives on a daily basis.



The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Foundational Legal History of Public Education (January 29)

  2. Important Local Documents (January 29)

  3. Student Records (FERPA) (February 5)

  4. Constitutional Issues (February 12 and 19)

    1. Impacts of 1st, 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments on Public Education

    2. Student Free Speech

    3. Employee Free Speech

    4. Academic Freedom

    5. Student Searches

    6. Employee Searches

  5. Section 504 and Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (February 26)

    1. Compare and Contrast

  6. Student Discipline (March 5)

    1. Regular Education

    2. Special Education

  7. Employee Evaluations/Discipline (March 12)

  8. Tenure (March 26)

  9. Collective Bargaining (April 2)

    1. Teacher Negotiations Act (TNA)

    2. Municipal Employees Negotiations Act (MERA)

    3. Roles of:

      1. State Board of Mediation (SBMA)

      2. State Board of Labor Relations (SBLR)

  10. Budget and Finance (April 9)

    1. Local Boards of Education

    2. Regional Boards of Education

  11. Freedom of Information Act (April 16)

  12. Social Media and Public Employees  and Bullying (April 23)

  13. Open Forum (Student Initiated Issues and Review) (April 30)

  14. Final



  1. Required text: Teacher Handouts
  2. Supplies: 3 Ring Binder



Coursework will be weighted as follows:

1. Assignments                     45%

2. Quizzes                             25%

3. Final exam                        20%

4. Attendance                       10%

 Total:                                  100%


There will be two assignments.  The first, due on February 19, will be to review your Board’s Student Record (FERPA) policy and critique it for legal compliance.  If it is correctly written, state why. Include a copy of the policy with your response.  The second, due on April 2, will be to write a disciplinary letter to one of your subordinate employees based on a fact pattern that will be distributed to you on or about March 12.  Responses on either assignment need be no longer than 1-2 type written pages (excluding the Board policy on Assignment 1).


There will be three quizzes throughout the semester on the February 26, March 26 and April 23.  Quizzes will relate to topics covered since the last quiz, including the topic covered that evening.  Quizzes will normally be given at the end of the class period, will be open book/notes, and will be true/false or yes/no questions.  Make-up quizzes will be at the option of the professor.  Students who know they will be absent for a quiz session should contact the professor in advance to make arrangements. 


The final exam will be comprehensive and will also be true/false or yes/no questions.  It will be given as a take home (open books and notes) final sent by e-mail to students on or about May 1 to be returned by email no later than May 7.


Attendance will be graded as follows:

No absences -10%

One absence – 9%

Two absences – 7%

Three absences - 5%

Four or more absences – 0%

 One absence for good cause, for which advance notice is given to the professor by phone or email, will not be figured in the attendance grade.  Any significant tardy or early departure from class will be figured as a half absence.


Jan     29         Introduction, Syllabus, Foundational Legal History, Important Local Documents

Feb      5         Student Records (FERPA)

Feb     12        Constitutional Issues

Feb     19        Constitutional Issues (cont.) (Assignment 1 Due)

Feb     26        Section 504 and Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)  (Quiz 1)

Mar       5        Student Discipline

Mar     12        Employee Evaluations/Discipline

Mar     19        Spring Break (no class)

 Mar     26        Tenure (Quiz 2)

Apr        2        Collective Bargaining (Assignment 2 Due)

Apr        9        Budget and Finance

Apr      16        Freedom of Information Act

Apr      23        Social Media and Public Employees and Bullying (Quiz 3)

Apr      30        Open Forum and Review

May      2        Final (take home e-mailed to students on May 1; due by email no later than May 7)

Course Summary:

Date Details Due