Final Exam

  • Due Aug 22, 2013 at 11:55pm
  • Points 90
  • Questions 90
  • Available Aug 22, 2013 at 11:55am - Aug 22, 2013 at 11:55pm 12 hours
  • Time Limit 110 Minutes


Choose the best answer.  

You have 110 minutes to complete this test.  There are 90 multiple choice questions.  My goal was to make this a learning experience, in addition to being an assessment.

You ONLY GET 1 ATTEMPT at completing this test.  

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING A RELIABLE COMPUTER AND INTERNET CONNECTION.  In fairness to everybody, and academic integrity, there will be no "re-takes" for any reason once you have had an opportunity to view the test.  Please be careful in this regard, because it can lead to some unfortunate situations that are difficult to resolve or accept, and we want to be fair to the individual and the group.

While this is an "open book" test, it is timed.  A common issue with open book tests is that students take too long looking up answers and then run out of time.  Please keep this in mind.  It's best to answer all of the questions you think you know first, and then go back and start looking up the ones you don't, but keep an eye on the clock.  Good luck!!!

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